Louis L'Amour once said he could write while sitting in the middle of the freeway. That didn't impress me at the time, but now it does.Not one, but two dogs threw up behind me as I wrote. Was that a commentary on my writing? Wouldn't be the first t... read more
What are the main ELEMENTS OF A STORY?
Setting; Character; Plot; Conflict; Theme; Point-of-view; Tone; Style;
Read the rest here: Elem... read more
Just getting the rental car (minivan) in the first place was a bit of an adventure. Because we were leaving Monday morning, we wanted to pick it up Sunday night, but all local E... read more
"Pop culture today is obsessed with the battle between good and evil. Traditional folktales never were. What changed?" Go to the-g... read more
Good site showing who to trust (or not) when it comes to self-publishing: self-publishing-service-reviews... read more
VARIOUS WRITERS' RULESWrite a draft. Then let it rest. -- Stephen King;Read a lot. -- King;Never use a long word when a short one will do. -- George Orwell;Never use the passive voice when you can use the active voice. -- Orwell;... read more
The drive from Spring Hill, Tennessee to Valley, Alabama was uneventful... until we were almost there. So close. That's a fairly generic name for a town, though, isn't it? Valley. It's like finding a good spot for a town, planting your flag, and nam... read more
Donald Trump's candidacy reminds me of my novel Lottery President (Kindle/... read more
From Lionel, January 2013: I just finished reading ... read more
Hathi Trust Digital Library: hathitrust.org... read more
I started writing a new story today. Can't say much about it except that it's pretty much sci-fi, though it might wander into religion and politics. So, yeah, it should offend just about everyone. Then I took a break and started cleaning. Did a load... read more
Article about it here, and the manufacturer's website here.
And one of their founders has an ... read more
A writer's narrative perspective (their "voice," or, how they come across to their reader) must be: This is me talking to you. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not: This is me 100 years ago speaking in a "classical" voice. It's no... read more
So much about writing novels, I've found, comes down to respect. Respect for the reader and their precious time. Respect for the authenticity and believability of the characters I'm creating. And most importantly, respect for reality; asking myself... read more
No, not by me.Here's a very useful website.... read more
[from 1994]The first Saturday in May. What does this date mean to you? Probably nothing, except that Spring has finally arrived, unless you live in California where it's been Spring already for two months or more - real Spring, not calen... read more
Here's one of my brothers reading my book, Lottery President. He seems to be enjoying it. I swear I didn't pay him to do this.
... read more
Publishers and writing "gurus" preach that writers need followers. The problem is that emotionally-stable people don't want followers, they want friends, compatriots, people who listen, not followers. Especially zombie follow... read more
Anis Shivani: New Rules For Writers: Ignore Publicity, Shun Crowds, Refuse Recognition And More."These "rules" totally go against ... read more
People read fiction seeking clarity. One of the worst things a writer can do is to create confusion. I'm referring to the payoff at the end of the book. People also read fiction for something better than reality, or at least better than their own. S... read more
We've sold two (2) three (3) in the past three (3) months!Get your copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D9YCZPC while supplies last!... read more
According to the Telegraph, anyway. An interesting list. Several if not most of these were that author's f... read more
A bit of advice to myself (and any other writers out there): Once you've laid the groundwork of your story, come up with the main characters, basic premise, and rough outline, at some point you have to just let the story itself tell the story.... read more
Writers are often those who would otherwise be left out of the conversation. The only way they can get a word in is to write it down.... read more
"... read more
"Free eBooks forever. FP now includes 6312 eBooks in its collection." Books in the public domain. Read the rest here fadedpage.com... read more
How Does Writing Affect Your Brain? [infographic]. Interesting ... to me, anyway. "Most of us write a little... read more
I submitted a screenplay to Scriptapalooza today. See scriptapalooza.com. The first deadline is Friday the 5th. The real deadline is April 15. I think first prize is $10,000, but ... read more