WILLIAM ARTHUR HOLMES (contact me here)

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About the Author

I was born the night after Halloween in Sacramento, California. According to legend, if it was just one day earlier, I could have "seen and talked to spirits." Instead, I only hear voices.

My first critical acclaim came in high school when my creative writing teacher praised my story's opening line: "The neighbor's yard looked like a three-day beard."

"You may never write anything good again," she said, "but that is a great opening line!" I was happy to hear this, of course, but focused on the eerily prescient "...may never write anything good again..."

After a decade in Los Angeles in my 20s, I have been calling middle Tennessee home now for almost half my life. I am married, with a daughter, and a continuous assortment of pets who live long, healthy lives, but never long enough.

I was joking about hearing voices, by the way. My humor is sometimes difficult to detect. My stories are often inspired by my greatest fears and/or frustrations. Writing things down in a safely fictionalized way helps me to better understand myself and the world around me. It's a sort of DIY exorcism.

My available titles (newest to oldest) are The Lazy Pug Cafe; Another Way: Beyond the Status Quo; Last Train Out; Operation Detour; Lottery President and Temporary Insanity.

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