Just to show a slice of life in L.A. as my 20-something self. Drew upon experience with a certain cultish religion.
If I remember right, the "Cigarettes killed my wife" conversation between Benny and Cassie was the original scene of this story.
Wanted to state my political opinion and point of view. And what better way than to follow a candidate for president?
This one started right where the books starts.
To show what various 'intelligence' agencies, and bad people in general, do to the innocent. Put in a lot of humor to make it more palatable. Also wanted to see if I could write a thriller-type of novel.
This one started with "They're Out To Get Me," which ended up as chapter 2.
A speculation on what might go horribly wrong in the future with our
daughter adopted from Russia. For me personally, this is a horror story.
It began with the actual adoption and descriptions
of the hotel where we were staying.
Another attempt at political opinion, but with real world solutions, as it follows Dobie doing just that on his speaking tour. A lot of humor here, too, but with some definite ugliness. Also threw in an alien presence because, whether they exist or not, there are forces and energies in our world that influence us, for good and ill.
The original scene that this book grew out of was The Blue Spoon Diner, which ended up being chapter 4.
Another attempt at political opinion, but with real world solutions, as it follows Dobie doing just that on his speaking tour. A lot of humor here, too, but with some definite ugliness. Also threw in an alien presence because, whether they exist or not, there are forces and energies in our world that influence us, for good and ill.
The original scene that this book grew out of was The Blue Spoon Diner, which ended up being chapter 4.
A silly, fantastical love letter to our dearly departed pugs.
This began as a plan for an actual business, but ended up as just
a story. As short as it is, it took YEARS to finish before I forced myself
to give it a plot.